Editor: Elisabeth Balfour
Comments and contributions to elisabeth.ingles@hchbruton.co.uk
or by post to: the dove, Church Office, Rectory Annexe, Plox,
Bruton BA10 0EF
Reporter: Matthew Keegan
Reporter: Matthew Keegan
Advertising enquiries: Eve Anderton, eve@beaconhill.me.uk; 07970 493 156
Subscriptions: Mike Kelham 812 281; mikekelham@btinternet.com, or by post to the address below
Distribution: Alan and Moira Ashdown
Treasurer: Ed Tickner
Designed by Lucy or Robert
The Dove is published ten times a year monthly (doubles: July/August, December/January) free of charge, or by subscription if delivered to your door (£10 per annum for ten issues)
Deadline for advertisements and editorial copy:
first of the month preceding the month of publication