Monday 4 February 2013

In this New Year, which we must hope will be a lot less wet than the old one, we are still trying to get used to the loss of Batcombe, Lamyatt and Upton Noble from the Benefice. As I’ve said before, we welcome news of special events and are very happy to include Diary items from those parishes – after all, nobody has picked them up bodily and moved them to another part of Somerset, even if the rains and rivers have had a good try, to judge by the mud and the lakes blocking local roads. But the little article from Upton Noble Primary School (page 57) will probably have to be the last item of ‘regular’ news of the school. We have, however, persuaded Rev. Rosey Lunn, the priest in charge of the newly enlarged Evercreech Benefice, to give us her thoughts in the Rectory Ruminations column.

A Pitcombe resident has pointed out that Pitcombe is rarely mentioned in The Dove. Well, there’s a very simple explanation for this: until now (see page 37), apart from Hamish and one or two others, nobody from the village has ever sent anything in! So, Pitcombers, you know what to do: let me have news, items of interest and events for the Diary (address on inside back page).
Much is happening in Bruton, and the Council News section (page 43) lists a lot to be cheerful about. At last, it seems, more parking facilities are on their way. And to be able to walk to the cemetery and allotments without being in fear of your life from speeding traffic is a great relief. The Council deserves a pat on the back.
A reminder to those subscribers who have not yet renewed: please let Mike Kelham have your renewal form and cheque, unless you have a Standing Order, by the end of February. Your support is vital to the magazine and we appreciate it enormously.
Elisabeth Balfour

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